Examining the dataset

Throughout this course, you’ll be analyzing a dataset of traffic stops in Rhode Island that was collected by the Stanford Open Policing Project.

Before beginning your analysis, it’s important that you familiarize yourself with the dataset. In this exercise, you’ll read the dataset into pandas, examine the first few rows, and then count the number of missing values.

  • Import pandas using the alias pd.
  • Read the file police.csv into a DataFrame named ri.
  • Examine the first 5 rows of the DataFrame (known as the “head”).
  • Count the number of missing values in each column: Use .isnull() to check which DataFrame elements are missing, and then take the .sum() to count the number of True values in each column.
# Import the pandas library as pd
import pandas as pd

# Read 'police.csv' into a DataFrame named ri
ri = pd.read_csv('police.csv')

# Examine the head of the DataFrame

# Count the number of missing values in each column
<script.py> output:
      state   stop_date stop_time  county_name driver_gender driver_race  \
    0    RI  2005-01-04     12:55          NaN             M       White   
    1    RI  2005-01-23     23:15          NaN             M       White   
    2    RI  2005-02-17     04:15          NaN             M       White   
    3    RI  2005-02-20     17:15          NaN             M       White   
    4    RI  2005-02-24     01:20          NaN             F       White   
                        violation_raw  violation  search_conducted search_type  \
    0  Equipment/Inspection Violation  Equipment             False         NaN   
    1                        Speeding   Speeding             False         NaN   
    2                        Speeding   Speeding             False         NaN   
    3                Call for Service      Other             False         NaN   
    4                        Speeding   Speeding             False         NaN   
        stop_outcome is_arrested stop_duration  drugs_related_stop district  
    0       Citation       False      0-15 Min               False  Zone X4  
    1       Citation       False      0-15 Min               False  Zone K3  
    2       Citation       False      0-15 Min               False  Zone X4  
    3  Arrest Driver        True     16-30 Min               False  Zone X1  
    4       Citation       False      0-15 Min               False  Zone X3  
    state                     0
    stop_date                 0
    stop_time                 0
    county_name           91741
    driver_gender          5205
    driver_race            5202
    violation_raw          5202
    violation              5202
    search_conducted          0
    search_type           88434
    stop_outcome           5202
    is_arrested            5202
    stop_duration          5202
    drugs_related_stop        0
    district                  0
    dtype: int64

It looks like most of the columns have at least some missing values. We’ll figure out how to handle these values in the next exercise!

Dropping columns

Often, a DataFrame will contain columns that are not useful to your analysis. Such columns should be dropped from the DataFrame, to make it easier for you to focus on the remaining columns.

In this exercise, you’ll drop the county_name column because it only contains missing values, and you’ll drop the state column because all of the traffic stops took place in one state (Rhode Island). Thus, these columns can be dropped because they contain no useful information. The number of missing values in each column has been printed to the console for you.

  • Examine the DataFrame’s .shape to find out the number of rows and columns.
  • Drop both the county_name and state columns by passing the column names to the .drop() method as a list of strings.
  • Examine the .shape again to verify that there are now two fewer columns.
# Examine the shape of the DataFrame

# Drop the 'county_name' and 'state' columns
ri.drop(['county_name', 'state'], axis='columns', inplace=True)

# Examine the shape of the DataFrame (again)
<script.py> output:
    (91741, 15)
    (91741, 13)

We’ll continue to remove unnecessary data from the DataFrame in the next exercise.

Dropping rows

When you know that a specific column will be critical to your analysis, and only a small fraction of rows are missing a value in that column, it often makes sense to remove those rows from the dataset.

During this course, the driver_gender column will be critical to many of your analyses. Because only a small fraction of rows are missing driver_gender, we’ll drop those rows from the dataset.

  • Count the number of missing values in each column.
  • Drop all rows that are missing driver_gender by passing the column name to the subset parameter of .dropna().
  • Count the number of missing values in each column again, to verify that none of the remaining rows are missing driver_gender.
  • Examine the DataFrame’s .shape to see how many rows and columns remain.
# Count the number of missing values in each column

# Drop all rows that are missing 'driver_gender'
ri.dropna(subset=['driver_gender'], inplace=True)

# Count the number of missing values in each column (again)

# Examine the shape of the DataFrame
<script.py> output:
    stop_date                 0
    stop_time                 0
    driver_gender          5205
    driver_race            5202
    violation_raw          5202
    violation              5202
    search_conducted          0
    search_type           88434
    stop_outcome           5202
    is_arrested            5202
    stop_duration          5202
    drugs_related_stop        0
    district                  0
    dtype: int64
    stop_date                 0
    stop_time                 0
    driver_gender             0
    driver_race               0
    violation_raw             0
    violation                 0
    search_conducted          0
    search_type           83229
    stop_outcome              0
    is_arrested               0
    stop_duration             0
    drugs_related_stop        0
    district                  0
    dtype: int64
    (86536, 13)

We dropped around 5,000 rows, which is a small fraction of the dataset, and now only one column remains with any missing values.

Fixing a data type

We saw in the previous exercise that the is_arrested column currently has the object data type. In this exercise, we’ll change the data type to bool, which is the most suitable type for a column containing True and False values.

Fixing the data type will enable us to use mathematical operations on the is_arrested column that would not be possible otherwise.

  • Examine the head of the is_arrested column to verify that it contains Trueand False values and to check the column’s data type.
  • Use the .astype() method to convert is_arrested to a bool column.
  • Check the new data type of is_arrested to confirm that it is now a boolcolumn.
# Examine the head of the 'is_arrested' column

# Change the data type of 'is_arrested' to 'bool'
ri['is_arrested'] = ri.is_arrested.astype('bool')

# Check the data type of 'is_arrested' 
0    False
1    False
2    False
3     True
4    False
Name: is_arrested, dtype: bool

It’s best to fix these data type problems early, before you begin your analysis.

Combining object columns

Currently, the date and time of each traffic stop are stored in separate object columns: stop_date and stop_time.

In this exercise, you’ll combine these two columns into a single column, and then convert it to datetime format. This will enable convenient date-based attributes that we’ll use later in the course.

  • Use a string method to concatenate stop_date and stop_time (separated by a space), and store the result in combined.
  • Convert combined to datetime format, and store the result in a new column named stop_datetime.
  • Examine the DataFrame .dtypes to confirm that stop_datetime is a datetimecolumn.
# Concatenate 'stop_date' and 'stop_time' (separated by a space)
combined = ri.stop_date.str.cat(ri.stop_time, sep=' ')

# Convert 'combined' to datetime format
ri['stop_datetime'] = pd.to_datetime(combined)

# Examine the data types of the DataFrame
<script.py> output:
    stop_date                     object
    stop_time                     object
    driver_gender                 object
    driver_race                   object
    violation_raw                 object
    violation                     object
    search_conducted                bool
    search_type                   object
    stop_outcome                  object
    is_arrested                     bool
    stop_duration                 object
    drugs_related_stop              bool
    district                      object
    stop_datetime         datetime64[ns]
    dtype: object

Now we’re ready to set the stop_datetimecolumn as the index.

Setting the index

The last step that you’ll take in this chapter is to set the stop_datetime column as the DataFrame’s index. By replacing the default index with a DatetimeIndex, you’ll make it easier to analyze the dataset by date and time, which will come in handy later in the course!

  • Set stop_datetime as the DataFrame index.
  • Examine the index to verify that it is a DatetimeIndex.
  • Examine the DataFrame columns to confirm that stop_datetime is no longer one of the columns.
<script.py> output:
    DatetimeIndex(['2005-01-04 12:55:00', '2005-01-23 23:15:00',
                   '2005-02-17 04:15:00', '2005-02-20 17:15:00',
                   '2005-02-24 01:20:00', '2005-03-14 10:00:00',
                   '2005-03-29 21:55:00', '2005-04-04 21:25:00',
                   '2005-07-14 11:20:00', '2005-07-14 19:55:00',
                   '2015-12-31 13:23:00', '2015-12-31 18:59:00',
                   '2015-12-31 19:13:00', '2015-12-31 20:20:00',
                   '2015-12-31 20:50:00', '2015-12-31 21:21:00',
                   '2015-12-31 21:59:00', '2015-12-31 22:04:00',
                   '2015-12-31 22:09:00', '2015-12-31 22:47:00'],
                  dtype='datetime64[ns]', name='stop_datetime', length=86536, freq=None)
    Index(['stop_date', 'stop_time', 'driver_gender', 'driver_race',
           'violation_raw', 'violation', 'search_conducted', 'search_type',
           'stop_outcome', 'is_arrested', 'stop_duration', 'drugs_related_stop',

Now that you have cleaned the dataset, you can begin analyzing it in the next chapter.

Examining traffic violations

Before comparing the violations being committed by each gender, you should examine the violations committed by all drivers to get a baseline understanding of the data.

In this exercise, you’ll count the unique values in the violation column, and then separately express those counts as proportions.

  • Count the unique values in the violation column of the ri DataFrame, to see what violations are being committed by all drivers.
  • Express the violation counts as proportions of the total.
# Count the unique values in 'violation'

# Express the counts as proportions
<script.py> output:
    Speeding               48423
    Moving violation       16224
    Equipment              10921
    Other                   4409
    Registration/plates     3703
    Seat belt               2856
    Name: violation, dtype: int64
    Speeding               0.559571
    Moving violation       0.187483
    Equipment              0.126202
    Other                  0.050950
    Registration/plates    0.042791
    Seat belt              0.033004
    Name: violation, dtype: float64

More than half of all violations are for speeding, followed by other moving violations and equipment violations.

Comparing violations by gender

The question we’re trying to answer is whether male and female drivers tend to commit different types of traffic violations.

In this exercise, you’ll first create a DataFrame for each gender, and then analyze the violations in each DataFrame separately.

  • Create a DataFrame, female, that only contains rows in which driver_gender is 'F'.
  • Create a DataFrame, male, that only contains rows in which driver_gender is 'M'.
  • Count the violations committed by female drivers and express them as proportions.
  • Count the violations committed by male drivers and express them as proportions.
# Create a DataFrame of female drivers
female = ri[ri['driver_gender']=='F']

# Create a DataFrame of male drivers
male = ri[ri['driver_gender']=='M']

# Compute the violations by female drivers (as proportions)

# Compute the violations by male drivers (as proportions)
<script.py> output:
    Speeding               0.658114
    Moving violation       0.138218
    Equipment              0.105199
    Registration/plates    0.044418
    Other                  0.029738
    Seat belt              0.024312
    Name: violation, dtype: float64
    Speeding               0.522243
    Moving violation       0.206144
    Equipment              0.134158
    Other                  0.058985
    Registration/plates    0.042175
    Seat belt              0.036296
    Name: violation, dtype: float64

About two-thirds of female traffic stops are for speeding, whereas stops of males are more balanced among the six categories. This doesn’t mean that females speed more often than males, however, since we didn’t take into account the number of stops or drivers.

Comparing speeding outcomes by gender

When a driver is pulled over for speeding, many people believe that gender has an impact on whether the driver will receive a ticket or a warning. Can you find evidence of this in the dataset?

First, you’ll create two DataFrames of drivers who were stopped for speeding: one containing females and the other containing males.

Then, for each gender, you’ll use the stop_outcome column to calculate what percentage of stops resulted in a “Citation” (meaning a ticket) versus a “Warning”.

  • Create a DataFrame, female_and_speeding, that only includes female drivers who were stopped for speeding.
  • Create a DataFrame, male_and_speeding, that only includes male drivers who were stopped for speeding.
  • Count the stop outcomes for the female drivers and express them as proportions.
  • Count the stop outcomes for the male drivers and express them as proportions.
# Create a DataFrame of female drivers stopped for speeding
female_and_speeding = ri[(ri.driver_gender == 'F') & (ri.violation == 'Speeding')]

# Create a DataFrame of male drivers stopped for speeding
male_and_speeding = ri[(ri.driver_gender == 'M') & (ri.violation == 'Speeding')]

# Compute the stop outcomes for female drivers (as proportions)
print(female_and_speeding.stop_outcome.value_counts(normalize = True))

# Compute the stop outcomes for male drivers (as proportions)
print(male_and_speeding.stop_outcome.value_counts(normalize = True))
Citation            0.952192
Warning             0.040074
Arrest Driver       0.005752
N/D                 0.000959
Arrest Passenger    0.000639
No Action           0.000383
Name: stop_outcome, dtype: float64

Citation            0.944595
Warning             0.036184
Arrest Driver       0.015895
Arrest Passenger    0.001281
No Action           0.001068
N/D                 0.000976
Name: stop_outcome, dtype: float64

The numbers are similar for males and females: about 95% of stops for speeding result in a ticket. Thus, the data fails to show that gender has an impact on who gets a ticket for speeding.

Calculating the search rate

During a traffic stop, the police officer sometimes conducts a search of the vehicle. In this exercise, you’ll calculate the percentage of all stops in the ri DataFrame that result in a vehicle search, also known as the search rate.

  • Check the data type of search_conducted to confirm that it’s a Boolean Series.
  • Calculate the search rate by counting the Series values and expressing them as proportions.
  • Calculate the search rate by taking the mean of the Series. (It should match the proportion of True values calculated above.)
# Check the data type of 'search_conducted'

# Calculate the search rate by counting the values
print(ri.search_conducted.value_counts(normalize = True))

# Calculate the search rate by taking the mean
False    0.961785
True     0.038215
Name: search_conducted, dtype: float64

It looks like the search rate is about 3.8%. Next, you’ll examine whether the search rate varies by driver gender.

Comparing search rates by gender

In this exercise, you’ll compare the rates at which female and male drivers are searched during a traffic stop. Remember that the vehicle search rate across all stops is about 3.8%.

First, you’ll filter the DataFrame by gender and calculate the search rate for each group separately. Then, you’ll perform the same calculation for both genders at once using a .groupby().

Instructions 1/3
  • 1/3 Filter the DataFrame to only include female drivers, and then calculate the search rate by taking the mean of search_conducted.
# Calculate the search rate for female drivers
print(ri[ri.driver_gender == 'F'].search_conducted.mean())


  • Filter the DataFrame to only include male drivers, and then repeat the search rate calculation.
# Calculate the search rate for male drivers
print(ri[ri['driver_gender'] == 'M'].search_conducted.mean())
Instructions 3/3
  • Group by driver gender to calculate the search rate for both groups simultaneously. (It should match the previous results.)
# Calculate the search rate for both groups simultaneously
<script.py> output:
    F    0.019181
    M    0.045426
    Name: search_conducted, dtype: float64

Male drivers are searched more than twice as often as female drivers. Why might this be?

Adding a second factor to the analysis

Even though the search rate for males is much higher than for females, it’s possible that the difference is mostly due to a second factor.

For example, you might hypothesize that the search rate varies by violation type, and the difference in search rate between males and females is because they tend to commit different violations.

You can test this hypothesis by examining the search rate for each combination of gender and violation. If the hypothesis was true, you would find that males and females are searched at about the same rate for each violation. Find out below if that’s the case!

Instructions 1/2
  • Use a .groupby() to calculate the search rate for each combination of gender and violation. Are males and females searched at about the same rate for each violation?
# Calculate the search rate for female drivers
print(ri[ri.driver_gender == 'F'].search_conducted.mean())

2/3 Filter the DataFrame to only include male drivers, and then repeat the search rate calculation.

# Calculate the search rate for male drivers
print(ri[ri['driver_gender'] == 'M'].search_conducted.mean())

3/3 Group by driver gender to calculate the search rate for both groups simultaneously. (It should match the previous results.)

# Calculate the search rate for both groups simultaneously
F    0.019181
M    0.045426
Name: search_conducted, dtype: float64

Male drivers are searched more than twice as often as female drivers. Why might this be?

Adding a second factor to the analysis

Even though the search rate for males is much higher than for females, it’s possible that the difference is mostly due to a second factor.

For example, you might hypothesize that the search rate varies by violation type, and the difference in search rate between males and females is because they tend to commit different violations.

You can test this hypothesis by examining the search rate for each combination of gender and violation. If the hypothesis was true, you would find that males and females are searched at about the same rate for each violation. Find out below if that’s the case!

Instructions 2/2
  • Reverse the ordering to group by violation before gender. The results may be easier to compare when presented this way.
# Reverse the ordering to group by violation before gender
print(ri.groupby(['violation', 'driver_gender']).search_conducted.mean())
violation            driver_gender
Equipment            F                0.039984
                     M                0.071496
Moving violation     F                0.039257
                     M                0.061524
Other                F                0.041018
                     M                0.046191
Registration/plates  F                0.054924
                     M                0.108802
Seat belt            F                0.017301
                     M                0.035119
Speeding             F                0.008309
                     M                0.027885
Name: search_conducted, dtype: float64

For all types of violations, the search rate is higher for males than for females, disproving our hypothesis.

Counting protective frisks

During a vehicle search, the police officer may pat down the driver to check if they have a weapon. This is known as a “protective frisk.”

In this exercise, you’ll first check to see how many times “Protective Frisk” was the only search type. Then, you’ll use a string method to locate all instances in which the driver was frisked.

  • Count the search_type values in the ri DataFrame to see how many times “Protective Frisk” was the only search type.
  • Create a new column, frisk, that is True if search_type contains the string “Protective Frisk” and False otherwise.
  • Check the data type of frisk to confirm that it’s a Boolean Series.
  • Take the sum of frisk to count the total number of frisks.
# Count the 'search_type' values

# Check if 'search_type' contains the string 'Protective Frisk'
ri['frisk'] = ri.search_type.str.contains('Protective Frisk', na=False)

# Check the data type of 'frisk'

# Take the sum of 'frisk'
Incident to Arrest                                          1290
Probable Cause                                               924
Inventory                                                    219
Reasonable Suspicion                                         214
Protective Frisk                                             164
Incident to Arrest,Inventory                                 123
Incident to Arrest,Probable Cause                            100
Probable Cause,Reasonable Suspicion                           54
Probable Cause,Protective Frisk                               35
Incident to Arrest,Inventory,Probable Cause                   35
Incident to Arrest,Protective Frisk                           33
Inventory,Probable Cause                                      25
Protective Frisk,Reasonable Suspicion                         19
Incident to Arrest,Inventory,Protective Frisk                 18
Incident to Arrest,Probable Cause,Protective Frisk            13
Inventory,Protective Frisk                                    12
Incident to Arrest,Reasonable Suspicion                        8
Incident to Arrest,Probable Cause,Reasonable Suspicion         5
Probable Cause,Protective Frisk,Reasonable Suspicion           5
Incident to Arrest,Inventory,Reasonable Suspicion              4
Inventory,Reasonable Suspicion                                 2
Incident to Arrest,Protective Frisk,Reasonable Suspicion       2
Inventory,Probable Cause,Reasonable Suspicion                  1
Inventory,Protective Frisk,Reasonable Suspicion                1
Inventory,Probable Cause,Protective Frisk                      1
Name: search_type, dtype: int64

It looks like there were 303 drivers who were frisked. Next, you’ll examine whether gender affects who is frisked.

Comparing frisk rates by gender

In this exercise, you’ll compare the rates at which female and male drivers are frisked during a search. Are males frisked more often than females, perhaps because police officers consider them to be higher risk?

Before doing any calculations, it’s important to filter the DataFrame to only include the relevant subset of data, namely stops in which a search was conducted.

  • Create a DataFrame, searched, that only contains rows in which search_conducted is True.
  • Take the mean of the frisk column to find out what percentage of searches included a frisk.
  • Calculate the frisk rate for each gender using a .groupby().
# Create a DataFrame of stops in which a search was conducted
searched = ri[ri.search_conducted == True]

# Calculate the overall frisk rate by taking the mean of 'frisk'

# Calculate the frisk rate for each gender
F    0.074561
M    0.094353
Name: frisk, dtype: float64

The frisk rate is higher for males than for females, though we can’t conclude that this difference is caused by the driver’s gender.

Calculating the hourly arrest rate

When a police officer stops a driver, a small percentage of those stops ends in an arrest. This is known as the arrest rate. In this exercise, you’ll find out whether the arrest rate varies by time of day.

First, you’ll calculate the arrest rate across all stops in the ri DataFrame. Then, you’ll calculate the hourly arrest rate by using the hour attribute of the index. The hour ranges from 0 to 23, in which:

  • 0 = midnight
  • 12 = noon
  • 23 = 11 PM
  • Take the mean of the is_arrested column to calculate the overall arrest rate.
  • Group by the hour attribute of the DataFrame index to calculate the hourly arrest rate.
  • Save the hourly arrest rate Series as a new object, hourly_arrest_rate.
# Calculate the overall arrest rate

# Calculate the hourly arrest rate

# Save the hourly arrest rate
hourly_arrest_rate = ri.groupby(ri.index.hour).is_arrested.mean()
<script.py> output:
    0     0.051431
    1     0.064932
    2     0.060798
    3     0.060549
    4     0.048000
    5     0.042781
    6     0.013813
    7     0.013032
    8     0.021854
    9     0.025206
    10    0.028213
    11    0.028897
    12    0.037399
    13    0.030776
    14    0.030605
    15    0.030679
    16    0.035281
    17    0.040619
    18    0.038204
    19    0.032245
    20    0.038107
    21    0.064541
    22    0.048666
    23    0.047592
    Name: is_arrested, dtype: float64

Next you’ll plot the data so that you can visually examine the arrest rate trends.

Plotting the hourly arrest rate

In this exercise, you’ll create a line plot from the hourly_arrest_rate object. A line plot is appropriate in this case because you’re showing how a quantity changes over time.

This plot should help you to spot some trends that may not have been obvious when examining the raw numbers!

  • Import matplotlib.pyplot using the alias plt.
  • Create a line plot of hourly_arrest_rate using the .plot() method.
  • Label the x-axis as 'Hour', label the y-axis as 'Arrest Rate', and title the plot 'Arrest Rate by Time of Day'.
  • Display the plot using the .show() function.
# Import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Create a line plot of 'hourly_arrest_rate'

# Add the xlabel, ylabel, and title
plt.ylabel('Arrest Rate')
plt.title('Arrest Rate by Time of Day')

# Display the plot

The arrest rate has a significant spike overnight, and then dips in the early morning hours.

Plotting drug-related stops

In a small portion of traffic stops, drugs are found in the vehicle during a search. In this exercise, you’ll assess whether these drug-related stops are becoming more common over time.

The Boolean column drugs_related_stop indicates whether drugs were found during a given stop. You’ll calculate the annual drug rate by resampling this column, and then you’ll use a line plot to visualize how the rate has changed over time.

  • Calculate the annual rate of drug-related stops by resampling the drugs_related_stop column (on the 'A' frequency) and taking the mean.
  • Save the annual drug rate Series as a new object, annual_drug_rate.
  • Create a line plot of annual_drug_rate using the .plot() method.
  • Display the plot using the .show() function.
# Calculate the annual rate of drug-related stops

# Save the annual rate of drug-related stops
annual_drug_rate = ri.drugs_related_stop.resample('A').mean()

# Create a line plot of 'annual_drug_rate'

# Display the plot
<script.py> output:
    2005-12-31    0.006501
    2006-12-31    0.007258
    2007-12-31    0.007970
    2008-12-31    0.007505
    2009-12-31    0.009889
    2010-12-31    0.010081
    2011-12-31    0.009731
    2012-12-31    0.009921
    2013-12-31    0.013094
    2014-12-31    0.013826
    2015-12-31    0.012266
    Freq: A-DEC, Name: drugs_related_stop, dtype: float64

The rate of drug-related stops nearly doubled over the course of 10 years. Why might that be the case?

Comparing drug and search rates

As you saw in the last exercise, the rate of drug-related stops increased significantly between 2005 and 2015. You might hypothesize that the rate of vehicle searches was also increasing, which would have led to an increase in drug-related stops even if more drivers were not carrying drugs.

You can test this hypothesis by calculating the annual search rate, and then plotting it against the annual drug rate. If the hypothesis is true, then you’ll see both rates increasing over time.

  • Calculate the annual search rate by resampling the search_conducted column, and save the result as annual_search_rate.
  • Concatenate annual_drug_rate and annual_search_rate along the columns axis, and save the result as annual.
  • Create subplots of the drug and search rates from the annual DataFrame.
  • Display the subplots.
# Calculate and save the annual search rate
annual_search_rate = ri.search_conducted.resample('A').mean()

# Concatenate 'annual_drug_rate' and 'annual_search_rate'
annual = pd.concat([annual_drug_rate, annual_search_rate], axis='columns')

# Create subplots from 'annual'
annual.plot(subplots = True)

# Display the subplots

The rate of drug-related stops increased even though the search rate decreased, disproving our hypothesis.

Crosstab : https://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/reference/api/pandas.crosstab.html

Tallying violations by district

The state of Rhode Island is broken into six police districts, also known as zones. How do the zones compare in terms of what violations are caught by police?

In this exercise, you’ll create a frequency table to determine how many violations of each type took place in each of the six zones. Then, you’ll filter the table to focus on the “K” zones, which you’ll examine further in the next exercise.

  • Create a frequency table from the ri DataFrame’s district and violationcolumns using the pd.crosstab() function.
  • Save the frequency table as a new object, all_zones.
  • Select rows 'Zone K1' through 'Zone K3' from all_zones using the .loc[]accessor.
  • Save the smaller table as a new object, k_zones.
# Create a frequency table of districts and violations
print(pd.crosstab(ri.district, ri.violation))

# Save the frequency table as 'all_zones'
all_zones = pd.crosstab(ri.district, ri.violation)

# Select rows 'Zone K1' through 'Zone K3'
print(all_zones.loc['Zone K1':'Zone K3'])

# Save the smaller table as 'k_zones'
k_zones = all_zones.loc['Zone K1':'Zone K3']
violation  Equipment  Moving violation  Other  Registration/plates  Seat belt  \
Zone K1          672              1254    290                  120          0   
Zone K2         2061              2962    942                  768        481   
Zone K3         2302              2898    705                  695        638   
Zone X1          296               671    143                   38         74   
Zone X3         2049              3086    769                  671        820   
Zone X4         3541              5353   1560                 1411        843   

violation  Speeding  
Zone K1        5960  
Zone K2       10448  
Zone K3       12322  
Zone X1        1119  
Zone X3        8779  
Zone X4        9795  
violation  Equipment  Moving violation  Other  Registration/plates  Seat belt  \
Zone K1          672              1254    290                  120          0   
Zone K2         2061              2962    942                  768        481   
Zone K3         2302              2898    705                  695        638   

violation  Speeding  
Zone K1        5960  
Zone K2       10448  
Zone K3       12322  

Next you’ll plot the violations so that you can compare these districts.

Plotting violations by district

Now that you’ve created a frequency table focused on the “K” zones, you’ll visualize the data to help you compare what violations are being caught in each zone.

First you’ll create a bar plot, which is an appropriate plot type since you’re comparing categorical data. Then you’ll create a stacked bar plot in order to get a slightly different look at the data. Which plot do you find to be more insightful?

Instructions 1/2
  • Create a bar plot of k_zones.
  • Display the plot and examine it. What do you notice about each of the zones?
# Create a bar plot of 'k_zones'
k_zones.plot(kind= 'bar')

# Display the plot
  • Create a stacked bar plot of k_zones.
  • Display the plot and examine it. Do you notice anything different about the data than you did previously?
# Create a stacked bar plot of 'k_zones'
k_zones.plot(kind='bar', stacked = True)

# Display the plot

Interesting! The vast majority of traffic stops in Zone K1 are for speeding, and Zones K2 and K3 are remarkably similar to one another in terms of violations.

Converting stop durations to numbers

In the traffic stops dataset, the stop_duration column tells you approximately how long the driver was detained by the officer. Unfortunately, the durations are stored as strings, such as '0-15 Min'. How can you make this data easier to analyze?

In this exercise, you’ll convert the stop durations to integers. Because the precise durations are not available, you’ll have to estimate the numbers using reasonable values:

  • Convert '0-15 Min' to 8
  • Convert '16-30 Min' to 23
  • Convert '30+ Min' to 45
  • Print the unique values in the stop_duration column. (This has been done for you.)
  • Create a dictionary called mapping that maps the stop_duration strings to the integers specified above.
  • Convert the stop_duration strings to integers using the mapping, and store the results in a new column called stop_minutes.
  • Print the unique values in the stop_minutes column, to verify that the durations were properly converted to integers.
# Print the unique values in 'stop_duration'

# Create a dictionary that maps strings to integers
mapping = {'0-15 Min':8, '16-30 Min':23, '30+ Min':45}

# Convert the 'stop_duration' strings to integers using the 'mapping'
ri['stop_minutes'] = ri.stop_duration.map(mapping)

# Print the unique values in 'stop_minutes'
<script.py> output:
    ['0-15 Min' '16-30 Min' '30+ Min']
    [ 8 23 45]

Next you’ll analyze the stop length for each type of violation.

Plotting stop length

If you were stopped for a particular violation, how long might you expect to be detained?

In this exercise, you’ll visualize the average length of time drivers are stopped for each type of violation. Rather than using the violation column in this exercise, you’ll use violation_raw since it contains more detailed descriptions of the violations.

  • For each value in the ri DataFrame’s violation_raw column, calculate the mean number of stop_minutes that a driver is detained.
  • Save the resulting Series as a new object, stop_length.
  • Sort stop_length by its values, and then visualize it using a horizontal bar plot.
  • Display the plot.
# Calculate the mean 'stop_minutes' for each value in 'violation_raw'

# Save the resulting Series as 'stop_length'
stop_length = ri.groupby('violation_raw').stop_minutes.mean()

# Sort 'stop_length' by its values and create a horizontal bar plot

# Display the plot
<script.py> output:
    APB                                 17.967033
    Call for Service                    22.124371
    Equipment/Inspection Violation      11.445655
    Motorist Assist/Courtesy            17.741463
    Other Traffic Violation             13.844490
    Registration Violation              13.736970
    Seatbelt Violation                   9.662815
    Special Detail/Directed Patrol      15.123632
    Speeding                            10.581562
    Suspicious Person                   14.910714
    Violation of City/Town Ordinance    13.254144
    Warrant                             24.055556
    Name: stop_minutes, dtype: float64

You’ve completed the chapter on visual exploratory data analysis!

Plotting the temperature

In this exercise, you’ll examine the temperature columns from the weather dataset to assess whether the data seems trustworthy. First you’ll print the summary statistics, and then you’ll visualize the data using a box plot.

When deciding whether the values seem reasonable, keep in mind that the temperature is measured in degrees Fahrenheit, not Celsius!

  • Read weather.csv into a DataFrame named weather.
  • Select the temperature columns (TMINTAVGTMAX) and print their summary statistics using the .describe() method.
  • Create a box plot to visualize the temperature columns.
  • Display the plot.
# Read 'weather.csv' into a DataFrame named 'weather'
weather = pd.read_csv('weather.csv')

# Describe the temperature columns
print(weather[['TMIN', 'TAVG', 'TMAX']].describe())

# Create a box plot of the temperature columns

# Display the plot
<script.py> output:
                  TMIN         TAVG         TMAX
    count  4017.000000  1217.000000  4017.000000
    mean     43.484441    52.493016    61.268608
    std      17.020298    17.830714    18.199517
    min      -5.000000     6.000000    15.000000
    25%      30.000000    39.000000    47.000000
    50%      44.000000    54.000000    62.000000
    75%      58.000000    68.000000    77.000000
    max      77.000000    86.000000   102.000000

The temperature data looks good so far: the TAVG values are in between TMIN and TMAX, and the measurements and ranges seem reasonable.

Plotting the temperature difference

In this exercise, you’ll continue to assess whether the dataset seems trustworthy by plotting the difference between the maximum and minimum temperatures.

What do you notice about the resulting histogram? Does it match your expectations, or do you see anything unusual?

  • Create a new column in the weather DataFrame named TDIFF that represents the difference between the maximum and minimum temperatures.
  • Print the summary statistics for TDIFF using the .describe() method.
  • Create a histogram with 20 bins to visualize TDIFF.
  • Display the plot.
# Create a 'TDIFF' column that represents temperature difference
weather['TDIFF'] = weather.TMAX - weather.TMIN

# Describe the 'TDIFF' column

# Create a histogram with 20 bins to visualize 'TDIFF'
weather.TDIFF.plot(kind = 'hist', bins = 20)

# Display the plot

The TDIFF column has no negative values and its distribution is approximately normal, both of which are signs that the data is trustworthy.

<script.py> output:
    count    4017.000000
    mean       17.784167
    std         6.350720
    min         2.000000
    25%        14.000000
    50%        18.000000
    75%        22.000000
    max        43.000000
    Name: TDIFF, dtype: float64

Counting bad weather conditions

The weather DataFrame contains 20 columns that start with 'WT', each of which represents a bad weather condition. For example:

  • WT05 indicates “Hail”
  • WT11 indicates “High or damaging winds”
  • WT17 indicates “Freezing rain”

For every row in the dataset, each WT column contains either a 1 (meaning the condition was present that day) or NaN (meaning the condition was not present).

In this exercise, you’ll quantify “how bad” the weather was each day by counting the number of 1 values in each row.

  • Copy the columns WT01 through WT22 from weather to a new DataFrame named WT.
  • Calculate the sum of each row in WT, and store the results in a new weathercolumn named bad_conditions.
  • Replace any missing values in bad_conditions with a 0. (This has been done for you.)
  • Create a histogram to visualize bad_conditions, and then display the plot.
# Copy 'WT01' through 'WT22' to a new DataFrame
WT = weather.loc[:, 'WT01':'WT22']

# Calculate the sum of each row in 'WT'
weather['bad_conditions'] = WT.sum(axis='columns')

# Replace missing values in 'bad_conditions' with '0'
weather['bad_conditions'] = weather.bad_conditions.fillna(0).astype('int')

# Create a histogram to visualize 'bad_conditions'

# Display the plot

It looks like many days didn’t have any bad weather conditions, and only a small portion of dayaps had more than four bad weather conditions.

Rating the weather conditions

In the previous exercise, you counted the number of bad weather conditions each day. In this exercise, you’ll use the counts to create a rating system for the weather.

The counts range from 0 to 9, and should be converted to ratings as follows:

  • Convert 0 to 'good'
  • Convert 1 through 4 to 'bad'
  • Convert 5 through 9 to 'worse'
  • Count the unique values in the bad_conditions column and sort the index. (This has been done for you.)
  • Create a dictionary called mapping that maps the bad_conditions integers to strings as specified above.
  • Convert the bad_conditions integers to strings using the mapping and store the results in a new column called rating.
  • Count the unique values in rating to verify that the integers were properly converted to strings.
# Count the unique values in 'bad_conditions' and sort the index

# Create a dictionary that maps integers to strings
mapping = {0:'good', 1:'bad', 2:'bad', 3:'bad', 4:'bad', 5:'worse', 6:'worse', 7:'worse', 8:'worse', 9:'worse'}

# Convert the 'bad_conditions' integers to strings using the 'mapping'
weather['rating'] = weather.bad_conditions.map(mapping)

# Count the unique values in 'rating'
<script.py> output:
    0    1749
    1     613
    2     367
    3     380
    4     476
    5     282
    6     101
    7      41
    8       4
    9       4
    Name: bad_conditions, dtype: int64
    bad      1836
    good     1749
    worse     432
    Name: rating, dtype: int64

This rating system should make the weather condition data easier to understand.

Changing the data type to category

Since the rating column only has a few possible values, you’ll change its data type to category in order to store the data more efficiently. You’ll also specify a logical order for the categories, which will be useful for future exercises.

  • Create a list object called cats that lists the weather ratings in a logical order: 'good''bad''worse'.
  • Change the data type of the rating column from object to category. Make sure to use the cats list to define the category ordering.
  • Examine the head of the rating column to confirm that the categories are logically ordered.
# Create a list of weather ratings in logical order
cats =['good', 'bad', 'worse']

# Change the data type of 'rating' to category
weather['rating'] = weather.rating.astype('category', ordered=True, categories=cats)

# Examine the head of 'rating'
<script.py> output:
    0    bad
    1    bad
    2    bad
    3    bad
    4    bad
    Name: rating, dtype: category
    Categories (3, object): [good < bad < worse]

You’ll use the rating column in future exercises to analyze the effects of weather on police behavior.

Preparing the DataFrames

In this exercise, you’ll prepare the traffic stop and weather rating DataFrames so that they’re ready to be merged:

  1. With the ri DataFrame, you’ll move the stop_datetime index to a column since the index will be lost during the merge.
  2. With the weather DataFrame, you’ll select the DATE and rating columns and put them in a new DataFrame.
  • Reset the index of the ri DataFrame.
  • Examine the head of ri to verify that stop_datetime is now a DataFrame column, and the index is now the default integer index.
  • Create a new DataFrame named weather_rating that contains only the DATEand rating columns from the weather DataFrame.
  • Examine the head of weather_rating to verify that it contains the proper columns.
# Reset the index of 'ri'

# Examine the head of 'ri'

# Create a DataFrame from the 'DATE' and 'rating' columns
weather_rating = weather[['DATE', 'rating']]

# Examine the head of 'weather_rating'
<script.py> output:
            stop_datetime   stop_date stop_time driver_gender driver_race  \
    0 2005-01-04 12:55:00  2005-01-04     12:55             M       White   
    1 2005-01-23 23:15:00  2005-01-23     23:15             M       White   
    2 2005-02-17 04:15:00  2005-02-17     04:15             M       White   
    3 2005-02-20 17:15:00  2005-02-20     17:15             M       White   
    4 2005-02-24 01:20:00  2005-02-24     01:20             F       White   
                        violation_raw  violation  search_conducted search_type  \
    0  Equipment/Inspection Violation  Equipment             False         NaN   
    1                        Speeding   Speeding             False         NaN   
    2                        Speeding   Speeding             False         NaN   
    3                Call for Service      Other             False         NaN   
    4                        Speeding   Speeding             False         NaN   
        stop_outcome  is_arrested stop_duration  drugs_related_stop district  \
    0       Citation        False      0-15 Min               False  Zone X4   
    1       Citation        False      0-15 Min               False  Zone K3   
    2       Citation        False      0-15 Min               False  Zone X4   
    3  Arrest Driver         True     16-30 Min               False  Zone X1   
    4       Citation        False      0-15 Min               False  Zone X3   
       frisk  stop_minutes  
    0  False             8  
    1  False             8  
    2  False             8  
    3  False            23  
    4  False             8  
             DATE rating
    0  2005-01-01    bad
    1  2005-01-02    bad
    2  2005-01-03    bad
    3  2005-01-04    bad
    4  2005-01-05    bad

 The ri and weather_rating DataFrames are now ready to be merged.

Merging the DataFrames

In this exercise, you’ll merge the ri and weather_rating DataFrames into a new DataFrame, ri_weather.

The DataFrames will be joined using the stop_date column from ri and the DATE column from weather_rating. Thankfully the date formatting matches exactly, which is not always the case!

Once the merge is complete, you’ll set stop_datetime as the index, which is the column you saved in the previous exercise.

  • Examine the shape of the ri DataFrame.
  • Merge the ri and weather_rating DataFrames using a left join.
  • Examine the shape of ri_weather to confirm that it has two more columns but the same number of rows as ri.
  • Replace the index of ri_weather with the stop_datetime column.
# Examine the shape of 'ri'

# Merge 'ri' and 'weather_rating' using a left join
ri_weather = pd.merge(left=ri, right=weather_rating, left_on='stop_date', right_on='DATE', how='left')

# Examine the shape of 'ri_weather'

# Set 'stop_datetime' as the index of 'ri_weather'
ri_weather.set_index('stop_datetime', inplace=True)
<script.py> output:
    (86536, 16)
    (86536, 18)

 In the next section, you’ll use ri_weather to analyze the relationship between weather conditions and police behavior.

Comparing arrest rates by weather rating

Do police officers arrest drivers more often when the weather is bad? Find out below!

  • First, you’ll calculate the overall arrest rate.
  • Then, you’ll calculate the arrest rate for each of the weather ratings you previously assigned.
  • Finally, you’ll add violation type as a second factor in the analysis, to see if that accounts for any differences in the arrest rate.

Since you previously defined a logical order for the weather categories, good < bad < worse, they will be sorted that way in the results.

Instructions 1/3
  • 1Calculate the overall arrest rate by taking the mean of the is_arrested Series.
# Calculate the overall arrest rate
<script.py> output:

2/3 Calculate the arrest rate for each weather rating using a .groupby().

# Calculate the arrest rate for each 'rating'
<script.py> output:
    good     0.033715
    bad      0.036261
    worse    0.041667
    Name: is_arrested, dtype: float64

3/3 Calculate the arrest rate for each combination of violation and rating. How do the arrest rates differ by group?

# Calculate the arrest rate for each 'violation' and 'rating'
print(ri_weather.groupby(['violation', 'rating']).is_arrested.mean())
<script.py> output:
    violation            rating
    Equipment            good      0.059007
                         bad       0.066311
                         worse     0.097357
    Moving violation     good      0.056227
                         bad       0.058050
                         worse     0.065860
    Other                good      0.076966
                         bad       0.087443
                         worse     0.062893
    Registration/plates  good      0.081574
                         bad       0.098160
                         worse     0.115625
    Seat belt            good      0.028587
                         bad       0.022493
                         worse     0.000000
    Speeding             good      0.013405
                         bad       0.013314
                         worse     0.016886
    Name: is_arrested, dtype: float64

The arrest rate increases as the weather gets worse, and that trend persists across many of the violation types. This doesn’t prove a causal link, but it’s quite an interesting result!

Selecting from a multi-indexed Series

The output of a single .groupby() operation on multiple columns is a Series with a MultiIndex. Working with this type of object is similar to working with a DataFrame:

  • The outer index level is like the DataFrame rows.
  • The inner index level is like the DataFrame columns.

In this exercise, you’ll practice accessing data from a multi-indexed Series using the .loc[] accessor.

  • Save the output of the .groupby() operation from the last exercise as a new object, arrest_rate. (This has been done for you.)
  • Print the arrest_rate Series and examine it.
  • Print the arrest rate for moving violations in bad weather.
  • Print the arrest rates for speeding violations in all three weather conditions.
# Save the output of the groupby operation from the last exercise
arrest_rate = ri_weather.groupby(['violation', 'rating']).is_arrested.mean()

# Print the 'arrest_rate' Series

# Print the arrest rate for moving violations in bad weather
print(arrest_rate.loc['Moving violation', 'bad'])

# Print the arrest rates for speeding violations in all three weather conditions
<script.py> output:
    violation            rating
    Equipment            good      0.059007
                         bad       0.066311
                         worse     0.097357
    Moving violation     good      0.056227
                         bad       0.058050
                         worse     0.065860
    Other                good      0.076966
                         bad       0.087443
                         worse     0.062893
    Registration/plates  good      0.081574
                         bad       0.098160
                         worse     0.115625
    Seat belt            good      0.028587
                         bad       0.022493
                         worse     0.000000
    Speeding             good      0.013405
                         bad       0.013314
                         worse     0.016886
    Name: is_arrested, dtype: float64
    good     0.013405
    bad      0.013314
    worse    0.016886
    Name: is_arrested, dtype: float64

The .loc[] accessor is a powerful and flexible tool for data selection.

Reshaping the arrest rate data

In this exercise, you’ll start by reshaping the arrest_rate Series into a DataFrame. This is a useful step when working with any multi-indexed Series, since it enables you to access the full range of DataFrame methods.

Then, you’ll create the exact same DataFrame using a pivot table. This is a great example of how pandas often gives you more than one way to reach the same result!

  • Unstack the arrest_rate Series to reshape it into a DataFrame.
  • Create the exact same DataFrame using a pivot table! Each of the three .pivot_table() parameters should be specified as one of the ri_weathercolumns.
# Unstack the 'arrest_rate' Series into a DataFrame

# Create the same DataFrame using a pivot table
print(ri_weather.pivot_table(index='violation', columns='rating', values='is_arrested'))
<script.py> output:
    rating                   good       bad     worse
    Equipment            0.059007  0.066311  0.097357
    Moving violation     0.056227  0.058050  0.065860
    Other                0.076966  0.087443  0.062893
    Registration/plates  0.081574  0.098160  0.115625
    Seat belt            0.028587  0.022493  0.000000
    Speeding             0.013405  0.013314  0.016886
    rating                   good       bad     worse
    Equipment            0.059007  0.066311  0.097357
    Moving violation     0.056227  0.058050  0.065860
    Other                0.076966  0.087443  0.062893
    Registration/plates  0.081574  0.098160  0.115625
    Seat belt            0.028587  0.022493  0.000000
    Speeding             0.013405  0.013314  0.016886

In the future, when you need to create a DataFrame like this, you can choose whichever method makes the most sense to you.

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